4 Baccalauréat Programs

Lycée students can choose one of the four pathways to the baccalauréat. All four of these baccalauréat programs emphasize multilingualism and multiculturalism.


Abibac offers a double advantage as students can get two diplomas at once: the French Baccalauréat and the German Abitur.

In this binational baccalauréat program, the following subjects are taught exclusively in German: Language and Literature (6 hours weekly), History and Geography (3.5 to 4.5 hours weekly).

LCA (German Literature and Civilization)

The LCA option acknowledges students’ high proficiency in German by providing reinforced German courses. Hence, students can hone their linguistic skills and expand their knowledge of literature and civilizations in the German-speaking world (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). They can also pass the Deutsches Sprachdiplom Stufe 2 (DSD II), a prerequisite to enter German universities.

Section Européenne (English European Section)

The European Section provides reinforced English classes and instruction of non-linguistic subjects in English, such as Physical Sciences or History and Geography. Students can earn the English European Section mention on their baccalauréat. This program represents incredible cultural enrichment for students.

Classic French Baccalauréat

High school students follow the same curriculum as they would in France to prepare for their final exam. This French-language program comprises compulsory German and English classes.