Why Choose Maternelle?
Maternelle (French kindergarten) is a place of discovery and socialization – as well as a crucial stage to prepare for primary school – where kids take the first steps in their learning journey and develop autonomous learning skills.
From age three, children enter a bilingual environment where they acquire the foundational skills of their ongoing education through a variety of recreational and sensory activities.

Why Choose Maternelle?
Small groups (15 to 20 pupils).
A certified French teacher and experienced teaching assistants supervise children. Our school professionals are trained and qualified for early childhood care.
French and German language classes with a native staff. The school offers tutoring to support non-French speakers.
Educational curriculum based on recreational activities and experimentation.
Main Objectives in Maternelle
Throughout those three years, your child will benefit from:
- A stimulating living environment and an organization that encourages autonomy and first experiences.
- Specific discovery situations that enable them to build new ways to interact with their environment—essentially through recreational activities, verbal expression, group living, seeking autonomy, sensory and motor activities.
- Learning to read, write, and count via teacher-guided, semi-guided, or free-play activities alternating during the day depending on the established pedagogical objectives.
Languages in Maternelle
In Petite Section, either the French teacher works every class with a German teaching assistant or a German teacher intervenes several times per week alongside the French teacher. The teaching assistant participates in all activities and helps pupils who are under the teacher’s responsibility.
In Moyenne and Grande Sections, a German teacher provides small groups with language classes and participates in various activities. A teacher specializing in teaching French as a foreign language can regularly work with a limited group of pupils for French language activities in consultation with parents and the classroom teacher.

Learn more about the specific features of the international French nursery school in our AEFE network brochure.
Welcoming Students With Special Needs
The Lycée Français Victor Hugo meets the needs of children whose education requires special attention, both in primary and secondary school.
Learn moreAdministrative Staff

Karima Kirouani
Primary School Principal
karima.kirouani@lfvh.net Tél : 069 74 74 98 – 116

Laurence Hahner
Primary School Secretary
Laurence.HAHNER@lfvh.net Tél : 069 74 74 98 – 116
Opening Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: drop-off time from 7:50 to 8:15 a.m. and pick-up time from 2:20 to 2:30 p.m.
Wednesday: drop-off time from 7:50 to 8:15 a.m. and pick-up time from 11:50 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.